The official trailer for 28 Years Later (2025) brings back the haunting atmosphere of the iconic zombie horror franchise, following 28 Days Later (2002) and 28 Weeks Later (2007). Directed by Danny Boyle, who returns to the series after directing the original film, the trailer sets a grim and intense tone, offering a chilling glimpse into a world still reeling from the effects of the Rage virus.
The trailer opens with sweeping shots of a desolate and decaying London, where nature has overtaken the ruins of once-bustling streets. The eerie silence is broken by the voice of a new protagonist, who recounts the horrors of the past two decades and how humanity has tried to rebuild. But the trailer quickly reveals that the Rage virus is not a thing of the past; it has evolved, and a new outbreak threatens the fragile hope of survival.
The visuals are striking, with fast-paced sequences showing survivors navigating through abandoned buildings, fighting off infected hordes, and attempting to find safe haven. Fans will recognize some familiar locations and callbacks to the original films, including the iconic deserted London Bridge. There are glimpses of new, terrifying mutations of the infected, suggesting that the virus has adapted in horrifying ways. The tension is palpable as the survivors realize that the threat is no longer just from the infected but from the desperate actions of humanity itself.
The trailer promises a return to the raw, visceral style that made the original a cult classic, with fast-paced editing, gripping suspense, and a relentless sense of dread. With an atmospheric score and stunning visuals, it teases an epic conclusion to the trilogy, bringing back themes of survival, fear, and the fragile line between humanity and savagery.
Budget Estimate and Release Date: 28 Years Later has an estimated budget of $50 million, marking it as the most ambitious film in the series. It promises to expand on the universe and deliver an even more intense and action-packed experience. The film is set to be released worldwide on June 13, 2025, making it one of the most anticipated horror films of the year.