The upcoming Alien franchise entry, Alien: Romulus (2025), introduces new characters facing a fresh nightmare in the universe’s darkest depths. Directed by Fede Álvarez and set between the events of Ridley Scott’s Alien (1979) and James Cameron’s Aliens (1986), the film follows a group of young colonists who find themselves trapped aboard the titular space station, Romulus, where they confront a deadly Xenomorph. With suspense and horror at its core, Romulus promises intense battles and atmospheric tension as the group’s attempt to steal high-stakes equipment goes horribly wrong.
Leading the cast is Cailee Spaeny as Rain Carradine, alongside David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, and Isabela Merced, who play characters struggling for survival against both their inner demons and the extraterrestrial menace. The film retains classic franchise horror elements, with nods to both the original film’s claustrophobic horror and Aliens‘ action-oriented intensity. For die-hard fans, it marks a return to traditional Xenomorph terror rather than the mythological angle explored in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. The practical and CGI effects, created by Legacy Effects, enhance the frightening alien encounters and realistic set designs, providing a visceral experience.
The budget for Alien: Romulus is reportedly significant, in the range of $70-80 million, indicating that 20th Century Studios and Disney have high hopes for the film’s visual quality and audience reach. Initially planned for a Hulu release, the decision to bring it to theaters suggests confidence in its potential for big-screen success. As an R-rated horror film, fans can expect intense, graphic scenes that bring the Xenomorph’s brutal nature to life, continuing the franchise’s legacy of relentless terror.