Ratatouille 2 (2025) is the exciting sequel to Pixar’s beloved culinary adventure, picking up the story of Remy, the talented rat with a taste for gourmet cuisine. Directed by acclaimed Pixar veteran Brad Lewis, the film dives back into the vibrant world of Parisian fine dining, combining heartwarming storytelling with stunning animation. Set several years after the events of the first film, Ratatouille 2 follows Remy as he faces new challenges in his pursuit of culinary innovation. Now co-owning a new upscale restaurant alongside his human friend and chef, Alfredo Linguini, Remy must find a way to keep his identity a secret while pushing culinary boundaries.
In the trailer, Remy is confronted with fresh obstacles when a competing restaurant opens nearby, boasting bold flavors and mysterious cooking techniques. Determined to keep his restaurant thriving, Remy embarks on a culinary journey through Paris, exploring underground markets, befriending new animal allies, and experimenting with daring recipes. The trailer teases jaw-dropping animated food sequences and gorgeous scenes of Paris, from cozy kitchens to bustling markets.
With a reported budget of $180 million, Ratatouille 2 is one of Pixar’s most ambitious projects, with meticulous attention to detail in the food animation, realistic textures, and expressive character designs. The sequel also features an original score by Michael Giacchino, whose music brings a delightful blend of nostalgia and energy to the film. Ratatouille 2 promises to captivate audiences once again, celebrating the joy of following one’s passion, no matter the odds, and exploring the ever-evolving world of cuisine.